
The preferred way to use the PowerBI API from Azure Data Factory (ADF) is by using a Service Principal. 
This has the benefit of not requiring a license assigned to the account, and working individual independent. 
The service principal can be secured and access provided or removed from it. 
It is best practice to store secrets in Azure Key Vault, which I will use in below article.

PowerBI tenant settings 

Allow service principals to use PowerBI APIs 

This has to be enabled (recommended to do for specific security groups).  
The group holding all Service Principals that can use PowerBI APIs is “Power BI Security Principals”. 

More information can be found here : Embed Power BI content in an embedded analytics application with service principal and an application secret – Power BI | Microsoft Learn

Dataset Execute Queries REST API 

This is enabled by default, but a prerequisite, so added for completeness. 

Service Principal 

  1. Create an app registration in This is our service principal. 
  2. Copy the Application ID, this will be referred to as the Service Principal ID
  3. Create a secret, copy the password and store in Azure Key Vault 
  4. Add the Service Principal to the group “Power BI Security Principals” (or request this through a ticket).

That is all the configuration needed for a Service Principal. No need to add “API permissions”, they are not used with PowerBI.

PowerBI workspace 

The service principal must have access to the PowerBI workspace containing the dataset you want to query/refresh.
Provide admin access to the service principal by adding him to the workspace members in PowerBI as Admin.


  • PowerBI tenant setting “Allow service principals to use Power BI APIs” enabled 
  • PowerBI tenant setting “Dataset Execute Queries REST API” enabled (entire org) 
  • Service Principal 
  • Store Service Principal secret in Azure Key Vault 
  • Service Principal in the group that is allowed to use Power BI APIs 
  • Service Principal is Admin in the PowerBI Workspace you want to query 

No need for: 

  • Data Factory to have rights in the PowerBI Workspace 
  • Data Factory to be in the group allowed to use PowerBI APIs 
  • Adding API permission in the App Registration  

Fundamental flow with Postman

Before diving into Azure Data Factory, let’s make sure this works from a simple client like Postman.

In Postman, you’ll have to:

  • request a token for authorization
  • use the token in your PowerBI REST call

Request token

In the Header add Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

Make sure the request is a POST to{tenant ID}/oauth2/v2.0/token


  • client_id (your service principal id = application id from app registration)
  • client_secret : the secret generated in the app registration
  • grant_type : client_credentials
  • scope :

You can have Postman do this automatically in the Authorization section, but manually will also do.

You’ll get a response with a token

Use token in PowerBI API call

In this example I’ll refresh a dataset

In the Header add Authorizaton with the value ‘Bearer’ + space + token value from access_token

In the body provide the query, and setup the request with POST in the form “{workspaceid}/datasets/{datasetid}/executeQueries”

Submit and you’ll get the results. This shows that the API is available, the security is setup correctly and basically works. Now on to doing the same but from ADF.

PowerBI API access from Data Factory 

Create a pipeline with 4 parameters: 

  • WorkspaceID : this is the ID of the workspace your dataset is in, shown after the  group in the addressbar, when opening the workspace in PowerBI
  • DatasetID : this is the ID of the dataset you want to interact with, found in the address bar when opening the dataset in PowerBI 
  • ServicePrincipalID : this is the application ID from the app registration

This is an example, use your own app registration 

  • Query : e.g. EVALUATE TOPN( 50, VALUES(Incidents[Number]) )

Refresh dataset from Azure Data Factory 

Use a Web component with following settings: 

URL :  this uses the parameters setup initially as best practice


Method : POST 

Body :


Authentication : Service Principal 

Tenant : automatically filled in, you can find it in in the overview of Entra ID

Service Principal ID :


Service Principal Key : retrieve from Keyvault 

Resource : 

Run this pipeline with Debug and you’ll see it succeeds. 

This can be confirmed with the dataset refresh history: 

Note: This is just the call to start the refresh, you can build an additional loop to check on the progress of the refresh, but out of scope of this blog

Query dataset from Azure Data Factory 

First, I’ll show the setup with a Web component, which is useful to debug if the API responds correctly. 

Create a web component and configure (very similar as in previous section) as follows: 

URL :  


Method : POST 

Body : 


Authentication : Service Principal 

Tenant : automatically filled in 

Service Principal ID :


Service Principal Key : retrieve from Keyvault 

Resource : 

Run this pipeline with Debug and you’ll see the results in the output 

Note: here you’ll encounter a 4Mb limitation, which doesn’t occur in the Copy activity 

Copy data from dataset from Azure Data Factory 

Add a Copy Data activity to the pipeline and configure it as follows 

Linked Service 

Setup a REST linked service with following details: 

Setup 3 parameters in the linked service: 

  • DatasetID 
  • WorkspaceID 
  • ServicePrincipalID 

Make sure to already have a linked service to Azure Key Vault (separate topic, which is out of scope of this blog). 

Base URL :


Authentication Type: Service Principal 

Service Principal ID :


Tenant: filled in automatically 

AAD resource: 

Azure cloud type : Data Factory’s cloud type 

Press test Connection and it should show Succesful 


Create a REST dataset with following configuration: 

Create 3 parameters in the dataset: 

  • DatasetID  
  • WorkspaceID 
  • ServicePrincipalID 

Select the previously created linked service 

Set the values of the linked service properties as above 

Add the Relative URL :


Copy Activity 

With the linked service and the dataset in place, we can now configure the Copy Activity 

Source dataset : previously configured dataset 

Dataset properties : as shown above, passing the pipeline parameters to the dataset 

Request method: POST 

Request body:


Additional headers: Content-Type application/json 

That’s it. Configuring the Sink is very standard. You can also already do a preview of the data in the source, as well as import the Schema in mappings.

Make sure to use $[‘results’][0][‘tables’][0][‘rows’] for the Collection reference, so you can mapping the fields of the rows

Start a Debug run and the copy fill succeed.